Since the inception of Bulkestate, we’ve been very proud of having a strong track record where we’ve never lost any of our investments along the way. We spend a lot of time and resources ensuring that we look after the objects that our clients invest in – so that we can deliver the returns that our customers know us for.

That doesn’t mean that everything is always smooth sailing. Real estate is a challenging business and we’re not always in control of all the different variables that come with any particular object. The nature of these investments is that there is always a risk of delays or even defaults – regardless of how many mitigations we put in place along the way.

In an attempt to protect our investors from such events, we’re launching a new product called ‘Direct Exit’ to offer a convenient offramp for those who want to liquidate their investment and move on.

What is ‘Direct Exit’?

‘Direct Exit’ is a programme that allows investors to sell back their invested stake to Bulkestate or a specified third party, allowing them to receive the cash rather than remaining in the investment. Investors who use this route will be able to liquidity their assets instantly and they’ll have immediate access to their money.

The reason that we’re enabling this is that we completely understand the hesitation and unease that comes with unforeseen delays – so we want to allow investors to take their chips off the table if they so choose. This is a proactive measure by Bulkestate to further solidify the fact that our mission is always to protect our investors and give them access to some of the most exciting property investment opportunities in a fair and secure way. Investments always come with some risk, but we hope that this will offer further mitigations for certain investors in specific situations.

Are There Specific Eligibility Requirements for Direct Exit?

It’s important to note that the ‘Direct Exit’ product is designed for those cases where objects run into delays or significant challenges. As such, the eligibility criteria are relatively strict.

From an object perspective, only certain projects will be eligible for this product. These will be communicated when necessary and will typically be limited to those that are severely delayed or subject to default. In addition, this product will only be available to the extent that there are sufficient funds in the purchasing pool managed by Bulkestate or third party.

For clients, it will be available on a first-come first serve basis for those who would like to exit their investments. The decision is made voluntarily and will be made through a formal declaration of intent.

Looking After Our Investors

This programme is an important step as we scale our company to ensure that every investor is looked after and that the inherent risks of these projects are effectively managed. We hope that you’ll take the time to familiarize yourself with the details here and use the product in good faith – as we so intend.

This does nothing to slow our efforts to continually fight for each and every investment – doing all that we can to maximize returns and delight our clients. Our mission remains firm.

Comments (15)

I think it's (high) time we take action against this scam platform. Maybe connect with the team that's leading the legal action against Grupeer?

Still waiting at Direct Exit

Has someone taken any legal actions against Bulkestate or the borrower?

2 years from my direct exit request. Maybe one day it will come

It's been over 2 years that I requested "Direct Exit" for Briežu Street II and nothing happened. Also no update on the project

I've invested in the project Remīnes Street III, it's been 2 years, no update no reason for delay no reply to my emails

I have asked several times for this option, since the project I invested is 36 months delayed. No reply at all. Direct exit does not exist.

I'm still waiting for direct exit. I was assured I'll get my money in two months, and they just lied to me. It's a scam company...

I have asked information on February 2024 and I still have to receve an answer.

I have asked information on December 2023 and I still have to receve an answer.

was nützt direkter Ausstieg??? ich hatte noch 92€ "liquide Mittel" welche ich am 2.11. abgehoben habe, die sind bei heute nicht da

I could not find the discount rate and any other fees applied in case a customer chooses the direct exit option. Could you please try to be transperent and publish them, so everyone can make an informed decision.

direkter Ausstieg ist der direkte Weg in die kapitulation. Bulketate hat keinerlei Verantwortung mehr. Kein einziges Objekt muss mehr zurück gezahlt werden. Die Investoren können 20, 30 oer 70 Lahre warten _ TErmine sind egal, da diese willkürlich und endlos von bulkestate verlängert werden. Geld aus direct exit steht nicht zur verfügung. wer will den bösen willen von bulkestate nachweisen können? es ist nicht möglich. direct exit ist der direkte Ausstieg von bulkestate aus sämtlichen verpflichtungen.

I've requested "Direct exit" on 20th of april. I've emailed support regulary but I don't get a response. Direct exit does not seem to exist.

Es wäre dringend nötig, an dieser Stelle den Verlust zu benennen, den Anleger beim direkten Ausstieg erleiden. Desweiteren ist der direkte Ausstieg für Bulkestate eine hervorgende Gelegenheit, das Riskio des eigenen Versagens auf den Kuinden abzuwälzen. Bulkestate braucht sich bei keinem Objekt im VErzug um irgend etwas zu kümmern - früher oder später wird er Kunde aufgeben - denn er hat keinerlei Möglichkeit, irgendwie Druck auzf Bulkestate auszuüben. Für Bulketate reicht es mittlerweile zu sagen -"DerKunde ist im Verzug". Nicht weiter. Keine Konequezen. Ein hervorrgendes Gechäftsmodell: Geld kasiert, doch nie zurück gezahlt. Andere Plattformen haben schliessen müssen, Bulkertate verlängert einfach großzügig auf nach eigenem EMPFINDEN und ohne den Gelgeber einzubeziehen den Rückzahlungszeitraum. Stellenweise bereits mehrere Jahre die Rückzahlungen überschritten. "Nutzt doch einfach den direkten Ausstieg!". KOhle weg. Danke. Verbrecher